In an interview with the New York Times, Google designer Irina Blok has revealed how she generated the now-famous logo design used for the company’s android phones, providing inspiration – of a sort – to those looking after branding and logo design in our design studio.
Irina was approached with an unusual brief back in 2010. Her Google employees wanted her to create a logo that would be unique, instantly recognisable and strike an emotional chord with audiences. Furthermore, Google wanted the design to include the image of a robot.
For inspiration, Irina turned to an unexpected source. Irina figured that two of the most recognisable logo designs of all time, identified and understood the world over, belong to the male and female figures found on toilet doors from Britain to Brazil. It was these figures that would serve as the template for Irina’s Android logo.
Irina took the simplified, silhouette-style cubicle logos and created an android equivalent, spouting mini antennae and a fetching shade of green. With that, a logo design classic was born.
Irina and Google took the brave decision to open source the Android logo design following its creation, giving birth to countless variations including Android versions of R2D2, Spongebob Squarepants and the Monopoly mascot. Irina’s story is a reminder that great logo design inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places!