To many businesses, print is seen as an expense that should be avoided where possible. In some instances this can be the case, and as a print management company we’ll strive to help our clients reduce their print spend, save resources and minimise wastage. However, print should primarily be seen as an opportunity to increase your company’s profits rather than act as a burden on your coffers. Are you maximising your print profitmaking potential? Here are four key areas where you could be making money from print.
Print marketing
Print marketing campaigns are expensive. Conceiving of a new marketing campaign, taking it through the design stage to production and beyond to distribution can cost a lot of money, and if you don’t receive the results you’re looking for it won’t feel much like money well spent. A successful print marketing campaign, however, means money in the bank, as increasing brand awareness and spreading the news of forthcoming product ranges or new promotions will result in an influx of new customers. The trick is to devise an effective print marketing campaign and execute it under budget – our design studio can help regarding the former consideration, while print management will ensure that your print expenses are minimised.
Promotional products
Promotional products are often seen as marketing tools alone, but many brands the world over use them as additional sources of revenue, too. Think of a brand such as Star Wars – famously, George Lucas sacrificed his original director’s fee in favour of the franchise’s promotional royalties, and the brass at Universal Pictures bit his hand off at the elbow to agree the deal. Of course, Lucas had the last laugh…
While most brands lack the cachet to make money from promotional products in the manner of Star Wars, Coca-Cola and other brands of that ilk, printed promotional items certainly have their uses in terms of increasing brand awareness and boosting brand loyalty. Just think of the infamous Sports Direct mug – now a fixture in almost every office in the land.
Point-of-sale promotions can be an extremely effective means of boosting sales and increasing your company’s profits. If you have a physical shop, then effective point-of-sale advertising can be used to remind customers of any promotions you might be implementing or of any new product releases they might be interested in. Point-of-sale promotions can be comparatively inexpensive to produce and have a potentially significant impact on your sales figures.
Don’t feel that improved branding can affect how well your products sell or increase your profits? Well, back in 2012 supermarket chain Tesco ditched its outdated ‘Value’ branding in favour of a new ‘Everyday Value’ range boasting a sexy new design. The products remained essentially the same, but the packaging changed and that made all the difference. According to Tesco, like-for-like sales increased by 10% in just six months. Rebranding can have a huge impact on your profits – yet another way that you can harness print to make your company more profitable.
Here at PMG Print Management we’re dedicated to helping our clients improve their relationship with print. To us, that’s about more than simply reducing expenses and cutting your carbon footprint – we also want to help you maximise the profitmaking potential of print. Contact us today to find out more.