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Five quick tips to save you money on print

As print managers, it’s our job to get you value for money on your print projects. We don’t cut corners, but we do look at every aspect of your project to see if there’s any way we could save you money without compromising the quality of your project. Whether it’s business cards, brochures, catalogues or posters that you want us to print, we use clever print management techniques to ensure that your project is the best it can be without overstepping your budget. Here are five quick tips to save you money on your print projects, from the concept stage through the design process and right up until you send it off to the printers.


Reconsider your aims

Early in the process, it’s a good idea to consider what you’re trying to achieve with this printing project. If you’re producing brochures to send out to existing clients, you might want to spend a little less money than if you were attempting to win over new clients. If you already have another print project ongoing, are you able to merge the two into one, even if it means a change in medium or increase in the number of pages? Think about how you can combine projects. For example, instead of custom-printing a series of envelopes and the brochures to go inside them, print the addresses onto the brochures themselves. Then you can just buy bog-standard windowed envelopes with no need to customise them.



This is another decision to make – or at least think about – reasonably early in the process. While printing large numbers of documents or items will obviously be more expensive in the short term, it might actually save you money in the long term. If you run out of brochures, business cards, or whatever materials your printing project involved, you’ll have to print a second run. These two separate printing jobs will cost much more than if you’ve had printed that quantity together in the first place. Although it’s a challenge to predict what quantities you’ll need in the long run, the potential savings you can make from considering such issues are significant.


Copywriting and proofreading

If you want to reduce the amount of paper in your printing project, you should double check that any copy in your project is as concise and accurate as possible. Concise copy doesn’t just benefit you in terms of space, but also in readability. Clients and customers will be much more willing to read a series of short sentences rather than walls of text. Don’t just proofread the copy yourself, get a second or even third person in to proofread and ensure that you haven’t missed anything. This will save costly reprints down the line.


Print a mock-up

Your print management company may offer to print you a sample or mock-up, but if they do not, put one together yourself. A mock-up will enable you to see a full-size, physical version of your project. You can check for paper thickness and quality, colours and print finishing issues. It’s a final chance to see that you’re happy with your project before the print run begins.


Time is money

Above all, it’s important to plan out the timings of your project, assuming you need the printed result in hand by a certain date. Work backwards from that date, allowing a couple of extra days at each stage. Determine when you’ll have the design ready, when you’ll send it to the print management company, and when the result is ready to be collected or delivered to you. Speak to your print management company as early in the design process as you’re able to – they’re likely to charge less if they’re given more time to put things together. PMG is a Leeds print management company with years of industry expertise and the contacts associated with it. Contact us now if you’re interested in other ways we can save you money this year.

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