Print procurement can be expensive, but you need to source ink, paper and other vital print products and services from somewhere. Procurement is one of the key areas we examine when conducting print inspections for our prospective clients – it’s an area where your business can save a lot of time and money. Here are five ways that you can make print procurement more cost effective in future.
Ask for loyalty/bulk buy discounts
Many companies lose money through print procurement because they’re reluctant to switch suppliers or look for a better alternative. We get that – it takes time and effort to find a better deal. But if you have been using the same supplier for years, then why not benefit from that longstanding relationship? Ask whether your supplier will consider a bulk buy or loyalty discount, considering your years of custom. If not then you can feel more justified in looking for a cheaper alternative.
Shop around
As we mentioned earlier, staying with a print supplier out of loyalty or convenience can result in wasted money. If you can find the time and inclination to shop around for a bargain, then do. There’s always a good chance of finding a better deal than the prices you’re already paying, and if your current supplier catches wind of the fact that you’re planning to switch, they might just knock off a few percent to convince you to stay…
Look close to home
If you are looking to update your print procurement, then go local. Smaller, regional suppliers can’t always undercut the prices of the big name suppliers who can order in bulk, but they do offer the distinct benefit of a smaller carbon footprint. You can also build strong relationships with these small suppliers that aren’t always possible with national or multinational companies. These relationships can prove extremely advantageous – and financially beneficial – in the long run.
Use multiple suppliers
There’s a common misconception that says sourcing all of your print resources from a single supplier will be more cost effective than using multiple suppliers. However, this isn’t always the case. Consider using a number of different print suppliers based on factors including cost, quality and convenience. If one supplier offers the best prices on one product and another has better deals on others, use both. There’s no reason why you should source everything from one place.
Use a print management company
Print management companies like PMG have enormous supplier databases to draw from, ensuring that our clients get the best deals and the best quality service for their print procurement. We do all the bargain hunting and price comparison on your behalf, saving you time and effort as well as money. We can advise you on the best print procurement approach for your business, and it all starts with a free, no-obligation print inspection. Contact us today to find out more.