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Four ways print management can reduce your carbon footprint

If you’ve considered print management in the past, it’s probably because of the money it can save you and your business. Print management can help you to use print resources more effectively and reduce print turnaround times, minimising wastage and therefore saving you money. However, that’s not the only reason you should consider the service – it can also work to improve your environmental credentials and reduce your company’s carbon footprint. Here’s how.

Inside print

When we run a print inspection of your company, we’re primarily looking at two areas of print: inside print and outside print. Inside print refers to your admin: printed invoices and timesheets, memos, emails, training materials, notices and more. More often than not businesses persist with these printed materials through force of habit rather than any practical reason. Shifting to digital alternatives, reducing wastage and even implementing recycling policies can help to make your business more cost effective and more environmentally sound in future.


Outside print

If inside print refers to your admin then outside print refers to any marketing materials and communication you send into the outside world. The best way to reduce your carbon footprint here is to improve the return on your investment and thus minimise wasted correspondence. Using our print expertise we’ll help you to achieve better direct mail response rates and reduce the amount of leaflets, flyers and brochures that end up in the bin. We’ll make your posters more impactful and can even advise you on the best recycled print stock to use for your forthcoming projects. Greater effectiveness and less wastage means a significantly reduced carbon footprint.



Where do you go to purchase your print resources? Who’s your preferred paper supplier, printer or stationer? Procurement presents one of the most significant opportunities to save money on your print, and is also an area where major environmental improvements can be made. Do you buy from a national reseller when a local business could offer you a similar service at the expense of fewer air miles? What about the products you’re buying – are they recyclable, sustainably sourced or accredited by the appropriate bodies? These are the areas we’ll investigate.



Getting your printed materials from your business to your intended recipients can be expensive, time consuming and wasteful. A print management company like PMG can help you to assess your delivery options, reducing delivery times, enhancing cost effectiveness and minimising miles travelled. More often than not, making an effort to reduce your carbon footprint will reveal additional benefits in terms of cost efficiency, design effectiveness and customer satisfaction.


Here at PMG, our aim is to improve our clients’ relationship with print by reducing wastage and enhancing print effectiveness. Could we help to save you money and reduce your carbon footprint? Contact us today to find out more.

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