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Inside print: five money-saving tips you have to try

Inside print is the less glamorous area of print. It’s the phrase that PMG uses to describe printed items that aren’t used to persuade clients and customers to part with their cash. Instead, inside print is mainly used for administrative purposes. These items include envelopes, letters, forms and labels. Nothing especially exciting, but inside print is still extremely important and often essential to a business’s day-to-day activities. Businesses of all shapes and sizes spend money on this type of print. Even if you’re not in a position to undertake lavish print advertising campaigns, you’ll still be spending money on inside print. As it’s such an integral area of print, it’s important to take steps to reduce its cost. Here are five of our tips for saving money on inside print.


#1: Learn your printer’s options

Ensure that everyone at the company knows how to print double-sided, how to print multiple PowerPoint slides per sheet, switch to black and white printing, shrink to fit and print only the section of the document that is selected. Learning the options that your printer provides enables you to make savings on every document that you print. Many employees may simply be unaware of the money-saving options that printers provide.


#2: Is colour necessary?

You may have spent thousands of pounds on a company rebrand, but it’s unnecessary to include your company colours and fancy new colourful logo on documents that you’re only going to use internally. Printing in colour costs money. Black and white may be boring, but it’s relatively inexpensive. You won’t be able to eschew colour on business cards or posters, but inside print is a different matter entirely.


#3: Change your paper

Switch to smaller paper of a lower weight and your print bills will drop significantly. Using thick, weighty paper for internal documents is arguably a waste of money. In addition, redesigns to internal forms and documents could reduce the amount of empty space and allow for a switch to a smaller paper size.


#4: Change your habits

Now that waste paper is recycled rather than dumped in landfill, many of us have become somewhat lax about our paper use. Changing employee printing habits is easier said than done, but a simple, friendly reminder to try and reduce paper use and think twice before printing could be sufficient to notice a drop in your printing costs. Encourage employees to print double-sided when possible.


#5: Print management

If you’d like to secure large savings on inside print, the best approach is almost certainly to seek outside assistance. Print management companies identify areas of inefficiency in your current print setup, speak to print companies and secure you the best deal on print.

If you’d like to learn more about the print management process or want to kick things off with a free print inspection, contact a member of the PMG team today.

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