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Signing off proofs: the importance of keeping to schedules

The penultimate stage on the print journey involves the signing off of print proofs. Once campaign strategies have been developed, designs have been worked on and revisions have been made, your company’s decision makers need to sign off the final print proofs before they’re sent to the printers.

This stage is an important one, but it can also be a little frustrating. Decision makers are often very busy people, so signing off print proofs may not be their number one priority. It could take days rather than hours to have a proof signed off, and there’s a strong chance that final revisions will need to be made before everyone is happy to send the project to print. The sign-off stage has been responsible for many missed pint deadlines, but it is possible to expedite the process and ensure that print projects are sent off on time. Take a look at these PMG Print Management top tips for speedier sign-offs.

  • Set a pre-deadline deadline. You should account for the fact that the signing off stage takes time, and work to deliver the finished print project long before the final deadline. Expect final revisions and give yourself time to make them, rather than submitting the project for sign-off mere hours before the print deadline.
  • Involve decision makers early. Keep your firm’s decision makers in the loop from start to finish. That way they can offer their input throughout the design and development stages, ensuring that the finished project is in line with their vision. As a result, you can anticipate fewer last-minute revisions.
  • Check copy thoroughly. All too often, print proofs aren’t signed off due to typos or other errors in the copy. It can be extremely difficult to proof your own copy, meaning that errors slip through only to be caught at the sign-off stage (if they’re caught at all). Bring in a fresh pair of eyes to check your copy for errors and tone long before you send the proofs to be signed off.
  • Manage expectations. Let your company’s decision makers know that what they’re presented with as a proof is likely to be very similar to the finished product. If they’re unhappy with any elements, then now’s the time to say so – it may take time to make changes, but it’s preferable to producing a print run that’s below expectations.

The proof sign-off stage shouldn’t be a stressful time. Instead, it should be the stage when your company’s decision makers offer praise for all your hard work and endeavour. Here at PMG we’re dedicated to helping companies like yours improve their relationship with print. Our print management experts can ensure that your designs are as effective as possible, that the print process itself goes without a hitch and that everyone is happy with the results. Contact us today for more information.

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