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The importance of print sustainability

Here at PMG Print Management, we love print – as you would no doubt expect. What that doesn’t mean, however, is that we will prioritise print projects to the detriment of the environment and of the planet’s natural resources. There’s no reason why clever print management can’t help to execute your print projects with an eye on environmental sustainability, so that you can pursue print marketing, internal administration, packaging design and even large format print projects in a guilt-free fashion in future. Take a look at just three of the ways in which we prioritise print sustainability, guaranteeing high-quality print projects without a giant sized carbon footprint…


Why sourcing paper is important

Some people associate paper with deforestation, and thus see it as a destructive and negative product. Naturally, some trees must be felled in order to produce the paper products we use in our offices, schools and homes on a daily basis, but one’s approach to sourcing this paper will determine whether or not it has a detrimental effect on the environment down the line. Far from destroying vulnerable South American rainforests, here at PMG Print Management we source the majority of our paper (94%) from European forests, which are carefully managed and conserved by lumber companies. Instead of destroying these valuable natural habitats, human management is helping to increase the forest by an area four times the size of London every single year!


Managing resources, such as ink and energy

Paper is not the only resource necessary to undertake a print project, however. You’ll naturally require ink – often in large quantities – and various chemicals needed to present the product with an attractive finish. All too often, poor print management sees these resources wasted. Inefficient printing techniques waste energy, and the electrical energy we draw from the national grid is provided by non-renewable, carbon-rich fossil fuels. Ink is wasted on drafts and botched prints, while more often than not, more efficient, effective techniques could have been used to achieve the same results or better without such significant wastage. While ‘going green’ can seem like a chore, in actual fact, conserving resources and energy has a very good chance of saving you money down the line, too.


Printing right, not printing twice

To some, print management is a case of trial and error, of experimenting with different techniques and approaches until the right one is discovered. Such an approach, however, is more than a little wasteful. How much time, money and resources will your print project have accounted for by the time you’re happy with the results? Here at PMG Print Management, we believe in printing right, not printing twice. We employ our years of industry expertise to select a paper compound, printing technique and finish to suit your project, regardless of its size or volume. The chances are good that you’ll be satisfied with the results, meaning no more demo prints, trials and drafts are necessary before entering the production stage. Satisfied customers, sustainable printing!


We believe that sustainable printing is important – we only have one planet, so we need to work hard to preserve it while we’re all still here. If you’d like to undertake your future printing projects in sustainable fashion whilst simultaneously achieving the levels of quality you need, don’t hesitate to contact us today or learn more at the university of print.

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